In August of 2014 I wrote a post about Gerard Baden-Clay’s astrology. Back then the court found Baden-Clay guilty. Guilty of murdering his wife Allison in April 2012.
Since I wrote that post, the Baden-Clay saga has evolved. In December 2015, the original murder conviction was downgraded to ‘manslaughter’ following an appeal.

But in the past week the murder conviction was re-instated by the High Court (the highest court in Australia).
The Baden-Clay case is a high-profile criminal case in Australia. One that has attracted plenty of public and legal interest. The ABC has a relevant timeline of events. And has background about Baden-Clay.
I’m not going to re-hash what I wrote in my earlier post in terms of Gerard Baden-Clay’s horoscope and planetary transits on the day of the crime.
But in this post I will look at his Solar Arc Directions (SADs) for key dates. Those dates are of: the murder, the appeal decision, and the reinstatement of the murder verdict.
Before we get started, bear in mind that the astrological diagrams below look a little unconventional.
That’s because I’m using what’s called the ’90° dial’ method to display planets and points. I like this method! It makes key planetary aspects much clearer. Major hard aspects (square, conjunction, opposition) all display ‘as conjunctions’ on the 90° dial,
So when there’s a planetary conjunction on the 90° dial, the actual aspect will be either a conjunction, square or opposition. What matters most is these are ‘hard’ aspects. And it is those kind of aspects that are associated with actual events in someone’s life.
Let’s now look at those key dates in Gerard Baden Clay’s life …
April 19th, 2012
This is the day when Baden-Clay likely murdered his wife, Allison. Baden-Clay was deeply in debt, and having an affair. The next day, April 20th, both Gerard and Allison Baden-Clay were due to attend a conference.
And also attending would be Gerard’s lover. This impending event may have been a factor in what happened; a crisis point.
Baden-Clay’s horoscope is on the inner wheel, or circle, below. April 19th planetary positions are shown by Solar Arc Directions (SADs) on the middle wheel. Transits for the same date are on the outer wheel.
The blue oval, above, shows transiting Mars conjunct natal Mars. This was discussed in my previous post about this case. Mars conjuncts natal Mars in everyone’s life about every two years.
But in Baden-Clay’s case, Mars was stationary, about to turn direct. This amplifies the Mars energy. And Mars is the planet that is most associated with force, action, violence.
The red oval above shows SAD Mercury conjunct Baden-Clay’s Jupiter. In context on one level, this indicates his communication (Mercury) at this time will be exagerrated (Jupiter).
It was a time when he would be required to communicate (Mercury) about big topics, to speak ‘expansively’ (Jupiter). And he did. The court lated decided that he told many lies at this time, to deflect any involvement with Allison’s death.
Mercury may have other significance in Baden-Clay’s horoscope. This would depend on the house it’s in, and which houses of his horoscope it rules. We’d need accurate accurate birth data to establish house positions and comment on them.
December 8th, 2015
This is the day when the Court of Appeal overturned Baden-Clay’s initial murder verdict. ‘Murder’ was downgraded to ‘manslaughter.’
Using the same methodology as above, SADs and transits for around December 8th look like this:
What’s significant here is an unfolding SAD ‘double-whammy’. Firstly there’s SAD Uranus squaring his natal Saturn. This is shown by the green oval, above.
And in the near future, the reverse of these planets is going to happen: SAD Saturn will aspect Baden-Clay’s natal Uranus. This is shown by the red arrow above.
This second event hasn’t happened yet. Because Saturn still has a degree or two to travel before it more closely aligns with Uranus. And with SADs, all planets move slowly forward, at the rate of about 1° per year of a person’s life.
The SAD double-whammy means whatever happens with the current event (SAD Uranus to Saturn, green oval) will be re-visited in the near future (SAD Saturn to Uranus, red arrow).
SAD Uranus to Saturn means overturning (Uranus) structure or restriction (Saturn). In context, it’s a reversal of fortune, an unexpected change (Uranus) of Baden-Clay’s conviction, confinement, sentence (Saturn).
August 31st, 2016
The ‘promise’ of the aspect shown by the red arrow in the above 90° wheel now ‘comes good.’
SAD Saturn has now become much closer to exactly aspect Baden-Clay’s Uranus. The aspect is now more within ‘orb.’
In other words, the connection between these two planets becomes stronger (louder, more prominent) as the aspect gets closer to being exactly a square.
With any aspect, the closer the planets are to the aspect’s exact degrees (in this a square, so it’s 90°) apart, the stronger the effect.
And the stronger the effect, it’s more likely that tangible events will occur. And those events will firstly correspond to the general planetary energies involved. And they will also correspond to how the planets involved are set up in the horoscope: the house they are in, the house (or houses) they rule, and so on.
In the above August 31st diagram, I’ve marked SAD Saturn to Uranus with a blue oval. And the earlier (in the past at this point) SAD Uranus to Saturn with the red arrow.
SAD Saturn to Uranus represents the (re-)imposition of law, structure, restriction (Saturn). It is the binding or containment (all Saturn qualities) of the previous reversal (Uranus) for Baden-Clay.
Allison and Gerard Baden-Clay
According to a Wikipedia article, Allison Baden-Clay was born July 1st, 1968, in Corinda, Queensland, Australia.
Below on the inner wheel is her horoscope. It is set for noon for the above date, at Corinda. On the outer wheel below is Gerard Baden-Clay’s (set for noon on his birthday: September 9th, 1970, Bournemouth, England).
These two people had many astrological interconnections. Too many to go into here. But you can see they both have several planets in Virgo. They each have four planets in that sign (red oval). Although both of them might have the Moon in a different sign, since we don’t have an accurate birth time.
Lots of Virgo means lots of stuff around ‘perfection.’ These people had a strong sense of connection and they would have found they ‘think’ alike. This is because Mercury rules Virgo, and Mercury is the planet of communication and thinking.
In the early days Gerard and Allison probably found they had similar temperaments, saw the world in the same way. But Virgo can also (negatively) lead to ‘nit-picking’, criticism and fussiness over things that aren’t ‘just so.’
One other point I’ll mention here is (blue arrow) Gerard’s Uranus square aspect to Allison’s Mars. This is challenging. He is likely to inflame Allison’s assertiveness (Mars) through restlessness and changeability (Uranus). This might have made for a stimulating and invigorating relationship early on. But it could also have led to friction.
Allison Baden-Clay: April 19th, 2012
Let’s now look at Allison’s horoscope on the 90° wheel. And put SADs and transits for April 19th, 2012 (the day she died) on the middle and outer wheels.
There’s a planetary aspect here. But without knowing Allison’s exact birth time, it’s difficult to understand what it might mean.
The aspect is SAD Venus square to her Neptune (red oval). Knowing which horoscope houses these planets were in, and what houses they ruled would help. But not having an accurate birth time precludes that.
But in general, Venus is about love, desire, beauty. Neptune is broadly about fantasy, ideals, dissolution. Venus might have been the ruler of her rising sign, or Ascendant. And to Neptune, this would indicate a dissipation (Neptune) of vitality (Ascendant) in some way.
Or it could be seen in a mystical sense. Allison’s loving nature (Venus) being absorbed (Neptune) into a wider otherworldly realm (Neptune).
Other people will have SAD Venus to Neptune at some point in life. And for them it won’t involve dying. But it could involve dissolution, high ideals, a heightened sense of fantasy while that aspect is current.
Gerard Baden-Clay’s astrology: summary
This whole story is a tragedy for all involved. Tragic for the victim, her family, and everyone who knew Allison. It has also been a protracted legal saga. Which thankfully now comes to a close. Because there is no further legal mechanisms for Baden-Clay to appeal.
While events surrounding this pair have strong astrological correlations, it didn’t have to play-out this way. It was Gerard Baden Clay’s choice to do what he did. And he now pays the price, with at least 15 years in prison.
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