I offer two types of horoscope readings: ‘Mini’, and ‘Full’.

Mini horoscope reading: a mere $49
A mini-reading is my 20 minute reading of your horoscope, which I record as an audio file (.mp3), which I email to you, along with a picture (.jpg) of your horoscope diagram.
The mini-reading is an analysis of your horoscope that’s similar to how I’ve examined horoscopes on this website.
The $49 fee is payable in advance, using a PayPal link I’ll send you by email. PayPal lets you either pay by credit card, or using your own PayPal account.
Full horoscope reading: just $150
A ‘full’ reading of horoscope is a great way to get an understanding about you as a unique individual. Learn about your strengths and challenges, talents and abilities. The full horoscope reading can also provide guidance about career and relationships.
As well as reviewing your horoscope, With the full horoscope reading I look at your current planetary ‘weather forecast’ using transits. Transits provides valuable information about events that have been going on in your life.
It might even answer that nagging ‘what the heck was that all about?’ question, regarding recent life matters.
My full readings run for about an hour. It can be in-person, by phone or Skype. Or I could record it and email you an audio file, or put it on a CD and send via snail mail.
The $150 fee is payable in advance using a PayPal link I will email you. PayPal lets you either pay by credit card, or use your own PayPal account.
To book a mini or full horoscope reading
To book (or if you just want to know more), fill in the form below.
For either a mini or full reading, I need to know your date, time and place of birth.
If you don’t know the exact time of birth, that’s ok. I can still do a reading based on your birth date, but it will be a bit more generalised.