Notorious Australian serial killer Ivan Milat is dead. He died in hospital last week, aged 74. Ivan Milat’s horoscope provides a few clues about this criminal’s inclinations and predispositions.
Which he decided to express violently and cruelly.

Milat was responsible for the deaths of at least seven people in Australia, between 1989 and 1993. These are known collectively as the ‘backpacker murders.’
Milat was born on December 27th, 1944, in Sydney, Australia. Astrodatabank gives him a birth time of 2:00am that day. But it says that time may not be entirely accurate. So we’ll bear that in mind as we move forward.
One of the first things I notice about Ivan Milat’s horoscope is his Mercury. Which is in fire sign Sagittarius, conjunct (‘next to’) Mars. Shown by the orange oval, above.
This combination predisposes him to fiery and enthusiastic communication (Mercury). And his communication is coloured with force and wilfulness. And (in his case) this also meant violence – or the threat of violence. These are general qualities of Mars. Which, positively, can be motivational, dynamic and assertive. In Milat’s case, Mars manifested in the most negative ways.
Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison has Mercury conjunct Mars in his horoscope. This assertive communication contributed to his election win earlier this year.
Mercury-Mars Conjunction, Square Jupiter
Milat’s Mercury-Mars conjunction is given additional ‘enthusiasm’ by being in a square aspect (about 90 degrees) to his Jupiter in Virgo. This is shown by the blue arrow, above.
This square adds an underpinning of Jupiterian exaggeration, opportunism, and ‘hope’ to his harsh and abrupt (Mars) communication (Mercury).
And Jupiter and Mercury in Ivan Milat’s horoscope are in what astrologers call ‘mutual reception’ – Mercury is in Jupiter’s sign (Sagitttarius) and Jupiter is in Mercury’s sign (Virgo). Mutual reception means these two planets can work particular well together. And they thus have a particularly productive ‘bond,’ for better or worse.
Jupiter is also in a trine aspect (about 120 degrees) to Milat’s Moon in Taurus (grey arrow). Although we need to remember that the position of his Moon might not be correct, since we are uncertain about Milat’s birth time. Which means this infusion of Jupiter energy into his mood, emotions and feelings (Moon) may not be completely accurate.
Moon Conjunct Algol
Astrologers sometimes use the ‘fixed stars’ when examining horoscopes. Fixed stars are defined as prominent stars in the sky, which at times can be conjunct certain planets in a horoscope. Each fixed star ‘means something,’ and it can add certain flavours to certain points in a horoscope.
In Milat’s case, IF (and it’s a big ‘if’!) his Moon position is accurate, then it is conjunct the fixed star, Algol. Which can be a negative influence, as my astrology software reports:
‘Algol, “the demon,” or Demon Star, which “blinks” in Perseus (The Hero) … Algol marks Medusa’s severed head and has a reputation for violence and extreme danger. Algol is a name derived from Arabic “Al Ghoul” meaning “demon”, “evil spirit” or “devil”. The word “alcohol” can also be traced to Al Ghoul. Nature of Mars and Saturn.’
About Fixed Stars, Generally
Again, bear in mind that there will be many people with Moon conjunct Algo who DO NOT do what Milat did. It is really only indicative of a predisposition. But given Milat’s ‘worst case scenario’, it would not surprise me if his Moon was indeed conjunct Algol.
Each of us have a bunch of fixed stars conjunct various planets in our horoscopes. Some are seen as positive (such as Regulus). Some ‘not so much.’
Ivan Milat’s horoscope seems to have many more ‘negative’ fixed stars conjunct his planets than average.
For instance his Mars is also conjunct fixed star Ras Alhague. Which my software (Janus) says is ‘ “the head of the serpent charmer,” associated with perversion and depravity. Nature of Saturn and Venus.’ And Milat’s Mars is also conjunct fixed star Lesath, ‘the “sting” in the tail of the scorpion, and points to accidents, danger, catastrophes or operations. Nature of Mars and Mercury.’
I’m no expert using fixed stars in horoscope readings. But I do find them intriguing, and aim to study them further. Used constructively, I think they can add a layer of understanding that would not be found otherwise.
Sun Opposite Saturn
Milat’s Sun is in the earth sign, Capricorn. And sitting in opposition (about 180 degrees away) to his Sun is Saturn, shown by the red arrow, above.
The Sun in a horoscope represents our our sense of self, our identity and ego. Having Saturn opposite it potentially brings maturity, responsibility, and possibly a sense of restriction and ‘weight.’ Which we can either ‘take on board’ or ‘rebel against.’
In Milat’s case, to him it might a feel contradictory signature (and difficult to reconcile) to his Mercury-Mars in fiery Sagittarius, and square to bombastic Jupiter. It might indicate one of the ‘conflicts’ within himself that he expressed through violence (i.e. Mars, at worst) against others.
T-Square: Sun-Saturn-Neptune
The final major key signature in Ivan Milat’s horoscope, imho, is his ‘T-Square,’ which joins his Sun and Saturn to Neptune, shown by the green arrows below.
Neptune brings a range of qualities to Milat’s Sun-Saturn opposition.
At best, Neptune represents sensitivity, imagination, high-level idealism and going ‘beyond boundaries.’
At worst, it’s delusion, drugs, and a life overly immersed in imagination (Neptune) rather than reality. It can indicate a life over-run with fantasy, illusion and embracing a deluded sense of oneself, and an unreal view of life in general. Given his history, this would seem to be Milat’s experience of this T-Square.
In a more mature person, this T-Square might indicate someone inclined to being an artist or actor. Someone able to integrate a mature (Saturn) sense of self-identity (Sun) together with idealism and imagination (Neptune).
Ivan Milat’s Horoscope – Summary
Milat’s biography on Wikipedia says he demonstrated criminal behaviour from a young age. Long before the backpacker murders. My brief look at his horoscope, above, gives some clues as to his psychological makeup – but does not directly tell us he what he did with those inclinations; how they manifested.
As I said, how we express those inclinations is something we all ‘choose’ to do. In Milat’s case, he took his personal qualities to an extreme end of the spectrum.
His Sun-Saturn-Neptune T-Square means (at worst) confusion about oneself. And/or being self-deluded on a grand scale, out of touch with reality.
And complementing that signature, we have Mars conjunct Mercury (assertive, hostile communication as a natural ability). And that pair square Jupiter (excess, indulgence, exaggeration, ‘hope’) gives – at worst – someone confused yet assertive, seemingly mature yet ultimately likely to be highly deluded.
Despite all this, we may never know exactly WHY he did what he did. Why he chose to be like this.
But Ivan Milat’s horoscope gives us a few clues, if nothing else.
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