Kevin Rudd was born on the 21st of September, 1957, in Nambour, Queensland.
His exact birth time is unknown. So for his horoscope the time is set for “noon”, at Nambour on the day of birth (A noon horoscope (or “chart”) provides more generalised information compared to one which uses an exact birth time).

Rudd, a Labor politician, has had a dramatic rise, fall, rise again and fall in Australian politics. He swept into power when Labor won the federal election on November 24, 2007 as a popular and charismatic leader. In June 2010 he was “dumped” as leader, due to a loss of support by his colleagues. Deputy Prime Minister Julia Gillard became Prime Minister. Rudd was given the role of Foreign Minister.
On 26 June 2013, the sentiment swung the other way. Gillard was dumped, and Rudd became leader again.
In September 2013 a federal election was held, and Labor lost power to the Liberal National Party, and Tony Abbott became Prime Minister.
Rudd has been called many things by many people. Not all of them pretty. According to Wikipedia, Labor politician Steve Gibbons called him a “psychopath with a giant ego.” Former Deputy Prime Minister Wayne Swan said he was “dysfunctional.” And former colleague Tony Burke spoke of the “chaos” and “inability to have decisions made”.
Are these comments reflected in Rudd’s astrology?
The most prominent feature of Rudd’s horoscope is the Sun-Mars conjunction in Virgo. The Sun is about ego, and Mars a combative and confrontational approach. In Virgo – detail driven, the quest to do things the ‘right’ way, drilling down into the minutest detail, with an intensity of focus. A sense of missing the bigger picture. Sun-Mars confirms his tenacity and his “fight” – characteristics not immediately obvious to most voters, who saw him (in the early days at least) as a charming and ‘fun’ guy, with charisma.
Second point to note is Rudd’s Moon in Leo. There is a slight statistical chance that his Moon is in Virgo, since we don’t know the exact birth time. But at noon it’s at 19° of Leo, and it wouldn’t leave Leo until much later in the day. A Leo Moon person can often be seen as a “drama queen”. Leo is is about “me”, and the need for approval. Moon is about emotional security, and so Rudd particularly needs recognition in order to feel secure.
Rudd’s charm and charisma is indicated by the square aspect between Venus and Uranus in his horoscope. Uranus “electrifies” or galvanises the Venus-quality. Venus here is in Scorpio, the most intense sign of the zodiac. Uranus is also the planet of reversals and unpredictability.
In another post, I’ll look at transits to this chart, and see how things line-up for some key dates in Kevin Rudd’s career to date.
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