Robin Williams was an eccentric comedian and actor of considerable charm and warmth.
His suicide in 2014 was a tragedy. His death related to a struggle with Dementia with Lewy bodies. Robin Williams’ horoscope clearly reflects features of this fascinating man.
Williams was born July 21st, 1951, at 1:34pm in Chicago, Illinois. This data is very accurate. It is from his birth certificate, according to
The principle of ‘comedy’ with primarily associated with Mercury.
Remember Jim Carrey in The Mask? Carrey’s character wore the mask of Loki, Mercury’s Norse equivalent. In the movie Carrey’s character displays many facets of Mercury: trickster, comedian, mischief-maker.
So it’s no surprise that Williams’ Mercury is very prominent in his horoscope.
It is conjunct (or ‘next to’) a powerful point, the Midheaven. It is also conjunct forceful Pluto. This combination is shown by the blue oval, below.
The Midheaven (or 10th house cusp) is about career, vocation and overall life reputation. Mercury at this significant and ‘loud’ location in Robin Williams’ horoscope infuses his career with ‘mercurial’ themes in a very powerful way.
Loud, because of Mercury’s Midheaven conjunction. But also reinforced by its conjunction to Pluto. Pluto brings power and added intensity to whatever other planet it aspects.
This conjunction is also in Leo. This is a fire sign ruled by the Sun. It is about self, identity and ‘showing off’. So Williams is predisposed to a kind of powerful mercurial career … centred around himself.
Mars, ruler of Ascendant, conjunct Uranus
William’s Ascendant (or ‘rising sign’) is in Scorpio. This is shown by the green arrow, above.
Of itself, this simply means he’s going to be intense, because Scorpio is the most emotionally intense zodiac signs. He’ll be intense in how he comes across, his outward personality. Because the Ascendant in a horoscope describes these parts of us.
We can learn more about his personality by looking at the ruler of his Ascendant, Mars. Mars is conjunct Uranus in Cancer (purple oval, above).
This indicates an erratic, unpredictable and surprising (Uranus) personality that his expressed through what he does: his actions (Mars is about ‘doing’). This lively and unpredictable energy has an underlying emotional component (conjunction is in Cancer, a sign ruled by the Moon).
And all this reflects the public face of Robin Williams.
What is less obvious is his highly sensitive emotional nature that guides and informs his actions. Which is indicated by his Moon in Pisces, the most emotionally sensitive of the 12 zodiac signs. This tends to indicate shyness and sensitivity is ‘hidden’ by distracting quirky behaviour.
Venus opposite Moon, nodal conjunctions
Williams’ Moon is in Pisces. It is conjunct his North Node (green oval, below). His Venus is in an opposition aspect (about 180°) to his Moon (red arrows) and conjunct his South Node in Virgo (orange oval).
This means his feelings (Moon) connect with what he loves, desires and values (Venus).
But these two features can be contradictory and not easy to reconcile (Venus-Moon opposition). What he loves is a career in the limelight (Venus in the 10th). A career not only about Mercury, but Venus too.
His Venus ‘looks to’ Mercury for guidance, because Venus is in Virgo, a sign Mercury rules. And his Venus conjuncts the South Node.
This indicates natural ability or talent for this limelight stuff. Because the South Node indicates instinctual behaviours or talents. Ones that we are good at, but in the long term might not be best for our lifelong personal growth.
His Moon in Pisces is opposite this. It is in the homely 4th house of foundation. And conjunct the less comfortable (but ultimately beneficial) North Node. The North Node is what we have to learn in this lifetime as part of our journey.
So while Williams has a gift for Venus and Mercurial antics, part of him is very emotionally sensitive. This means his quirky presentation could be a way of diverting attention from the more introspective side of his nature.
It’s also interesting to note also that Venus is in a sextile aspect (about 60°) to his Uranus. And Williams’ Moon is trine (about 120°) to Uranus. So the Uranian qualities of change, disruption, surprise and restlessness inflect several these sides of his makeup as well.
Neptune opposite Jupiter; both square Mars-Uranus
A final piece of Robin Williams’ horoscope I’d like to look at is his planetary combination know as a ‘T-Square.’
The main axis of his T-Square is the Neptune-Jupiter opposition (blue arrow, above). Both Neptune (orange arrow) and Jupiter (purple) are in square aspect (about 90°) to his Mars-Uranus combo. So the overall shape of this is a ‘T’, Neptune-Jupiter the crossbeam.
What does this mean?
Well, expansive Jupiter is his the Aries 5th house, the house of creativity. And Jupiter is also about exaggeration, wealth, luck, enthusiasm. Its aspect to Neptune infuses his enthusiast creativity with Neptunian idealism, imagination and fantasy. It gives his playfulness an ‘otherworldly’ dimension.
And this Neptune-Uranus in turn informs and shapes the Mars-Uranus excitability we saw earlier. The Uranus that also aspects his Moon and Venus, uniting a number of horoscope themes.
Robin Williams’ horoscope: summary
Williams was (and is) a hilarious comedian and exceptional actor. My favourite movie of his is Dead Poets Society.
At various times he struggled with drug addiction, alcohol and depression. His suicide is perhaps related to the many difficult psychological side effects of Dementia with Lewy Bodies. Being as emotionally sensitive as he is, would make this illness even tougher and harder to endure.
His wild and spontaneous Mercurial nature changed the face of comedy. He had an abundance of talent, and was full of delightful (Uranian) surprises.
Interesting.. I’d love to have my chart looked at. I, too, have moon in pisces.
This photo is old.. lol. Had I known, I wouldn’t have commented. Oh well.