[Update: About an hour after writing this post, I read that Amber Heard had been granted a restraining order against Depp, for alleged domestic violence.]
Johnny Depp and his wife of 15 months, Amber Heard, are getting divorced. Heard filed for divorce on May 23rd, 2016, citing ‘irreconcilable differences.’ In this post I’ll take a brief look at the astrology of Johnny Depp and Amber Heard.
What can astrology tell us, if anything, about Depp and Heard’s current situation?
Let’s use the astrological technique of ‘synastry’ to look at planetary connections between their respective horoscopes (or ‘charts’). I’ve covered the basics of synastry in another blog post.
Johnny Depp was born June 9th, 1963, at 8:44am, in Owensboro, Kentucky. This data is rated ‘AA’ (very accurate, from birth certificate) by astrodatabank.com.
Amber Heard’s birth data is less accurate. According to Wikipedia, she was born April 22nd, 1986, in Austin, Texas. Her birth time is unknown. This means we can still get some useful information, but we have to ignore the Moon’s position and the houses in her horoscope.
Let’s look at their horoscopes. In the diagram below, Depp’s horoscope is on inside. Heard’s is on the outer circle, or ‘wheel.’

There is certainly attraction and chemistry between them. This is usually shown by connections (by aspect) between the two horoscopes. Specifically Venus and/or Mars in one person’s horoscope and the Venus and/or Mars in the other.
With Depp and Heard we see Heard’s Venus at 25° 03′ Taurus very close to (‘conjunct’) Depp’s Mercury and Venus (blue oval, above). Venus in Taurus people also tend to like luxury, fine food, the arts. And this would be an area of common interest for them.
Let’s look at some other planetary interactions here. There’s a square aspect (about 90°) between Depp’s Pluto and Heard’s Saturn (blue arrows). Positively, this could be Depp providing powerful (Pluto) support to Heard’s sense of responsibility (Saturn). More negatively, it might be seen as controlling.
And there’s also a square aspect between Depp’s Jupiter and Heard’s Mars (red arrows). Here Depp’s enthusiasm (Jupiter) will motivate (Mars) Heard, and this would likely be a positive influence, as Jupiter is generally a fairly optimistic energy.
However, the synastry of most concern is Depp’s Saturn in square aspect to Heard’s Venus (green arrows). Saturn tends to organise, structure and (at worst) inhibit. There’s a possibility here that Heard felt ‘suffocated’ by Depp, or under too much pressure from him.
This is also shown by the fact that it is Depp’s outer planets (Saturn, Jupiter, Pluto) influencing Heard’s more inner planets (Venus, Mars, Saturn). This combined influence is of Depp as the senior partner, as the ‘authority’ figure. This is also not helped by the age difference between them.
[Update: after writing this post, The Guardian reported that Heard has been granted a restraining order against Depp. In a statement, she said:
“…during the entirety of our relationship, Johnny has been verbally and physically abusive to me. I endured excessive emotional, verbal and physical abuse from Johnny, which has included angry, hostile, humiliating and threatening assaults to me whenever I questioned his authority or disagreed with him.”]
Finally, Heard’s Sun at 2° 18′ Taurus is conjunct Depp’s Midheaven (chunky purple arrow, above). The Midheaven (or ‘M.C.’) is the point of career and reputation. Depp’s relationship with Heard boosts Depp’s public profile and red-carpet appeal.
Now let’s look at recent events.
In looking at the astrology of Johnny Depp and Amber Heard, an astrological timing technique I like and use is Solar Arc Directions (read more about them here). Since we only have accurate data for Depp, I’ll use just his horoscope. He married Heard on Feb 3rd, 2015.
Here’s Depp’s horoscope (inner circle). And his Solar Arc Directions (SAD) (middle) and transits (outer) for that date.
This diagram is called a 90° dial, or wheel. Conjunctions, squares and oppositions all display as conjunctions. It’s a recognised astrological diagramming technique that makes it clearer to see exactly what is going on.
On their wedding day, Depp’s SAD Moon-Jupiter is aspecting Mars in his horoscope (blue oval). This indicates emotional optimism (Moon-Jupiter) combines with ‘taking action’ (Mars). It’s about seizing the moment.
And if we look to the immediate past (chunky green arrow) we can see that Depp’s Mercury-Venus is just past exactly aspecting his horoscope’s Moon-Jupiter. The SAD planets all move about one degree a year, anti-clockwise on the above diagram. When they married, Depp and Heard had been dating for about three years.
Mercury-Venus (communication about love, art, etc) had been connecting with Depp’s Moon-Jupiter (emotional optimism, leaps of faith) during their dating phase.
Filing for divorce
Heard filed for divorce on May 23rd, 2016. Using the same setup as above, let’s see how Depp’s SADs look for that date.
You’ll notice the planets in the middle SAD band have moved counter-clockwise by a few degrees since the marriage date.
And that Saturn, the planet of structure and realism, now aspects the Moon-Jupiter in Depp’s horoscope (blue oval, above). This indicates a ‘honeymoon is over’ phase. It’s a wake up call. It also coincides with the death of Depp’s mother, Betty Sue Palmer, on May 20th.
In relationships generally, this kind of aspect might simply indicate a time of the pragmatic (Saturn) requirements of a relationship; the work (Saturn) that’s required after the initial romance has worn off a little. And facing the realities of the relationship, more so than idealism. This does not have to be a bad or negative experience. It can simply mean seeing things as they really are, rather than what your wishful self thought they were. It’s a time of responsibility, which is a Saturn keyword.
Here, for whatever reason, Depp will be experiencing hardship (Saturn) and a reality check to his normally optimistic Moon-Jupiter, which was activated around his wedding day, and in the year prior.
The astrology of Johnny Depp and Amber Heard: summary
Depp and Heard’s relationship showed plenty of promise and optimism. However, after just 15 months of marriage, it appears it’s over. Exactly why, is something only Depp and Heard would know. But Heard is alleging domestic violence as a factor that led to the divorce filing.
But we can say that there is (or was) a fundamental initial chemistry and attraction between them. And that possibly Heard has experienced Depp as too over-bearing. Perhaps the age difference of about 22 years was a factor.
The wedding date was a great one in terms of acting (Mars) on that Moon-Jupiter exuberance and optimism. But when SAD Saturn comes along, it can feel like a lead balloon. The practical reality of their lives becomes the focus. It may have been a time when one or both of them asked, ‘What’s in this for me, really?’
Solar Arc Directions provide a clear timing of some key life events. Much more so, in my experience, than other astrological techniques such as transits or progressions.
Hi there, can you please do an interpretation on their marriage in light of the new evidence of Johnny Depp being abused by Heard.
Seems like Amber was the over the bearing instigator who physically and mentally abused Johnny.
Hi Fiona, I’ve looked Amber Heard’s chart (born 22 April, 1986, Austin, Texas – birth time unknown) and how it connects (what astrologers call ‘synastry’) with Johnny Depp’s chart. Her Sun is at 2.16 Taurus, right on his Midheaven – which would indicate she gains a measure of prominence assisted by his career, and vice versa.
Furthermore, her Sun is opposite Pluto, indicative of someone who whose identity (Sun) has a powerful element (Pluto). Nothing wrong with that – but it ‘depends on how you use it.’
Her Mars at 11.52 Capricorn sits right on his Moon. Which, negatively expressed, can be forcefulness, willpower, drive (Mars) which can afflict (or if used positively: motivate) his emotional nature (Moon).
Her Saturn (discipline and control) at 8.45 Sagittarius sits right on his 5th house, the house of creativity and fun. Negatively, this could be seen Amber being seen as a controller of free expression. Positively, it could bring maturity and discipline for assisting with more practical (Saturn) creative expression.
And Amber’s Venus at 25.03 Taurus is conjunct Johnny’s Venus – this accounts for their ‘bond,’ in that they both tend to like and love (Venus) the same kinds of things. And this might account for their initial interest in each other.
I found her Mars/Neptune connection and the Sun/opp/Pluto natal aspects very revealing. The Mars/Neptune, in my mind, would incline her to deceptions and misrepresentations (to put it mildly). Sun/Pluto opp? manipulative. You were far kinder to her than I would have been. That said, their chemistry was evidently toxic in the long run.
I have sun and venus opposite pluto, I’ve never been violent but i’ve been the victim of violence…I find her chart interesting!
I agree, the Sun opposition Pluto aspect is indicative of aggressive, forceful tendencies in sexual and romantic involvements. It shows impulsiveness and dictatorial tendencies. They have a hard time accepting disagreements, and these become conflicts precisely because they seek to impose their will. At minimum, they’ll annoy those they disagree with; at worst, they’ll intimidate them. Bottom line: they feel they deserve and must have the upper hand.
Sorry, i have sim oposite to pluto and i AM very gentle. I have Vénus on Taurus i AM not abusive.
There will always be the entire tenor of the natal scope to consider. No one or two aspects should be viewed in complete isolation.
That is what happens when someone “explains” a chart AFTER the fact. Astrological influences are there for growth, SOUL growth. When reading an aspect a good Astrologer mentions all the possibilities. For example, one could have a predisposition towards violence, OR one could be the very opposite because their SOUL has learned.
wow considering the verdict is coming in at a square to his 3 virgo planets, and at a trine to her moon, it’s pretty easy to predict the outcome ! plus he is going thru his saturn return wow, just wow.. and that saturn in aquarius is square his venus and mercury… he has an awful chart for legal matters anyway, but this is it.. wow, he is going to sink… he needed an astrolger to tell him not to bring this claim.. her moon position aspects reveal her story too… wow..
In retrospect (he won), what aspects might you have left off considering that would have made the difference in your prediction? It’s all a learning situation.
I can’t help but notice her very tight natal square between her Mercury in Aries and her Neptune. Mercury/Neptune squares can sometimes indicate that the native does not always stick to the truth or to the concrete facts when telling their stories.
I think Amber Heard is a very strong woman and will make a mark on the world. Johnny found her extremely attractive but his ego couldn’t handle her strength.
Nope. I disagree with you. I think she is a lying, manipulative, self centered woman. And her chart proves it. I am sure he found her very attractive. Just like a Venus flytrap can be very attractive to an insect before it snaps shut and completely devours its prey. His ego can handle her just fine. Her ego, however needs an entire second courtroom next door to accommodate it! If she is a victim of abuse then my name is Mary Poppins.
Yes !!!! Right on ,,!!!!!!
I read an excellent Astrologer as having said “Johnny created the perfect environment to bring out the absolute worst in her. ” But many people can not think that deeply, they see her as all bad and him as all good. That is extremely naive….