Current Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott had fortunate astrological indicators when his party won the September 2013 Federal Election.
His help came from transiting Uranus and Neptune: in September 2013 they were connecting by favourable trine aspects to their positions in his natal (birth) horoscope.
Let’s look at each of these in turn, and speculate with what might be ahead for Abbott in mid-March, when one of these transit occurs again.
Back in September 2013, transiting Neptune – the planet associated with idealism, dreams and dissolution – was in the sign of Pisces, forming a trine aspect (120°) to Abbott’s natal Neptune, which is in Scorpio. We can see this most clearly in the graphic ephemeris diagram below.
(Astrologers often use these diagrams (generated by astrology software) as an easy way to view transits to natal positions over time. This particular diagram shows only transits by aspects which are multiples of 60° – sextile (60°), trine (120°), opposition (180°).

Where the wavy lines (i.e. the transits) cross the straight ones are potential points of interest to astrologers. Some wavy lines are more important than others, as aspects vary in significance. In Abbott’s case, the Neptune transit is significant, in part because it so closely correlates with the election victory.
Abbott is strongly Uranian – he has a Sun square Uranus aspect in his natal horoscope. Uranus has a galvanising yet abrupt energy. It’s known for it’s reformist, eccentric, and erratic qualities. The natal Sun-Uranus square denotes that this Uranian quality will express through Abbott’s will and ego.
In early September 2013, transiting Uranus in Aries formed a trine aspect to Abbott’s natal Uranus in Leo. A Uranus transit can indicate changes in fortune – for better or worse. In Abbott’s case it correlated with his sudden elevation to a new position – Prime Minister of Australia. Since it is a trine aspect, the change of fortune comes ‘easily’; it’s an ‘opportunity’.
September’s Uranus transit will occur again in the middle of March 2014.
This coincides with a nationwide series of anti-government protests (the ‘March in March’ campaign). How might the transiting Uranus play-out for Abbott in this context?
How he handles the protests will somehow reflect on his election victory back in September.
Given the Uranian nature of the transit (and in Abbott’s natal horoscope) it will be a time of surprises, for better or worse.
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